To be an altar server is a special honor and a great privilege in the Catholic Church. Altar servers today can trace their roots or genealogy to the order of Acolyte, a ministry that once was reserved only for those who were going to be ordained priests. One can look upon being an altar server as a special and unique ministry by which you, a young person, can help to spread the word and the love of Christ through your actions and words. It is not difficult to be an altar server, but there are some things that you must know and remember.
If you are interested in having your child participate as an altar server, please contact the rectory.
- All servers are expected to be at the Church 10-15 minutes before mass begins.
- All servers are expected to fulfill their assigned times to serve.
- All servers are to sign in when they serve.
- All servers are expected to find their own replacement at mass if they cannot make it for whatever reason;
- All servers are expected to wear “Sunday clothes” at the weekend masses (no flip flops or shorts) Wear clean shoes, black shoes preferred.
If you wear sandals wear them with socks never bare feet. Select your alb. The alb should be long enough to come to the top of your shoes.
Remember your alb is a sacred vestment and should be treated as such. - All servers are expected to hang up their vestments after mass.
- All servers are expected to pay attention to the priest during mass.
- All servers are expected to serve at funerals and weddings when asked.
- All servers are expected to know and say the appropriate responses throughout the Mass.
- Adamski Augustyn
- Adamski Lucjan
- Adamski Klara
- Chodak Christian
- Chramiec Sebastian
- Domalik Bronisław
- Domalik Kacper
- Koscielak Piotr
- Kurnat Karol
- Mikucki Filip
- Molek Emilia
- Molek Jakub
- Nawojowski Adam
- Nesterak Filip
- Niemiec Jakub
- Piłat Kacper
- Radziszewski Kacper
- Skubisz Kacper
- Skubisz Stanisław
- Stopka Maciej
- Szymusiak Antoni
- Szymusiak Zofia
- Zakrzewski Julian
- Kunda Olivia
- Komperda Jakub
- Melerzyk Mateusz
- Melerzyk Michał
- Nowobilski Adrian
- Stopka Mateusz
- Szymusiak Karol
- Szymusiak Konrad

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nations largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness. It provides youth with programs and activities that combine educational activities and lifelong values with fun.
Troop 481 has been chartered with St. Albert the Great for over 50 years and has had over 30 boys earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Through our Leadership and Advancement Program, scouts can learn about and experience a wide variety of subjects and advance in rank at the same time by earning merit badges and participating in community service. Some of our outdoor activities include camping, fishing, hiking and skiing. We participate in community service events such as Food Drives and events at St. Albert the Great Church.
Our meetings are held on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in St. Albert the Great Hall
Boy Scouts of America Troop 481: Bylaws & Regulations
Boy Scouts of America Troop 481 meet at St. Albert the Great Church in Burbank, Illinois. Their handbook has not been updated been updated in decades, so it was time. They needed an updated version of their handbook and even though I was never in the Boy Scouts when I was a child (a big part of me wishes I was in the Boy Scouts), I wanted to help.
Boy Scout Troop 481: Bylaws & Regulations
The attached PDF file is the full version of the document. If you would like an updated or new document, please send an email to
For information about our Holy Name Society, please contact Michael Kenny at (708) 425-7324.
Altar Servers
Fourth through eighth grade students from the parish school and religious education programs are assigned to serve Sunday liturgies and weekdays masses. Servers are also assigned for weddings, funerals, and other special Mass Celebration.
Our Music Cordinator is Kaszia Szczech & Deacon Raul Duque please call the parish office 708 423-0321 if you need to contact them.
The Lector/Commentator Ministry
This ministry is a very special because it gives us the privilege to proclaim the word of the Lord. The ministry is open to all confirmed Catholics who are confident speakers and can project their voice well. Training will be provided for parishioners who are interested in joining us. Anyone interested, please call the parish office 708 423-0321, leave your name and telephone number an someone will contact you.
Ministry of Care
We bring Eucharist to the sick and homebound of the parish. The ministers give hope and comfort to all whom they visit. Please contact the parish office at 708-423-0321 if you or your family member would like a minister to visit.
This is a group of trained individuals who bring Holy Communion to the homebound, shut-ins and hospitalized of our parish.
If you know someone who is unable to get to Sunday Mass or for more information about this organization, please contact Father Mariusz Nawalaniec at (708) 423-0321.
Polish adult Choir “Gaudete”
St. Albert the Great Music Ministry invites you to join our “Gaudete Choir” under the Music Direction of Cathy Szczech-Dlugosz
* (708) 567-3422 or
Choir rehearses every Wednesdays at 7pm at church and join singing every second Sunday at 10am Polish Mass.
Sacred Art and Music
Liturgy is “the participation of the People of God in ‘the work of God’”; It is the “exercise of the priestly office of Jesus” in which God is worshiped and adored and people are made holy. God begins the work of sanctifying people in time and space and brings that work to completion. Those who respond to God in worship and in service are given the privilege of becoming co-workers in the divine plan.
—From Built of Living Stones
The Church provides multiple resources to assist those who prepare and participate in the liturgical worship of the Church.
In this area, you will find materials for liturgical use from the intimacy of the “domestic church” of the home and family to the rich tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours which has been practiced through centuries by lay and clergy alike.
Because of the central importance of the Eucharist, resources that are more specifically directed to the Mass for Sunday, weekdays, and special situations are available:
- Diez preguntas sobre la influenza y la Liturgia
- Including Saints or Blessed in Diocesan Calendars
- Influenza and the Liturgy
- Liturgical Resources for a Presidential Inauguration
- Liturgical Resources for Prayer During a Crisis
- Order for the Blessing of a Victim of Crime or Oppression
- Order for the Blessing of Organizations Concerned with Public Need
- Orders for the Blessing of the Sick
“In His name you are also called to pray for an end to abortion in the United States and throughout the world. Roe versus Wade is incompatible with human dignity. It must not stand. It cannot stand. It will not stand.”
Cardinal Justin Rigali, homily at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. January 21, 2008
“Choose Life”
St. Albert the Great Pro-Life Committee was established in May 2004. We started with 4 people and now have 11 dedicated pro-lifers.
During this time we hold:
- Pro – life Holy Hour – every Thursday at 7:30 PM -8:30 PM in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Adoration Chapel
- Masses in Reparation for abortions
- Fund raisers such as: Selling Mother’s Day flowers, Baby Bottle distribution, Selling Paczki’s
Our Pro-life committee went to Women Care Service a pregnancy crisis center that saved many babies every year.
If you want to become a Pro-Life member please contact our coordinator Bernadette Strezo at (708) 423-0321
Illinois Right to Life Action would like to thank for the unprecedented number of witness slips and calls in opposition to the two extreme abortion bils, HB 2495 and HB 2467. HB 2495 and HB 2467 were not heard at the scheduled hearing, instead they have been moved out of the Human Services Committee and into the Informed Consent Subcommittee. Please go to
Prayer for Protection of Human Life at its Beginning
God our Father, you lovingly knit us in our mothers’ womb. Grant that each human embryo will be respected as a human being, and not dismissed as a product to be manipulated or destroyed. Grant us the courage and conviction to be your voice for our sisters and brothers at the very earliest stages of their development, and for all defenseless unborn children.
Jesus, Divine Healer, foster in those conducting medical research a commitment to finding cures in ways that respect these little ones and all your vulnerable children.
Holy Spirit, grant us the wisdom to develop morally sound treatments for conditions now thought to be incurable. Help us persevere in defending human life while alleviating suffering.
Show mercy to all who have cooperated in killing our tiniest brothers and sisters. Bring them and all who support destructive embryo research to true conversion. Grant them the ability to see the immeasurable dignity of all human beings even in the first days of life.
Father, we ask this in Jesus’ name, through the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Project Rachel
A Journey of Hope and Healing for Those Suffering the Effects of Abortion
Project Rachel is a sensitive, private, free and confidential experience with a network of specially trained priests and caring people who understand the painful road back from abortion. It is open to Catholics and those of other faiths. View the Project Rachel Brochure.
How does Project Rachel work?
Project Rachel Ministry begins with a phone call to the Project Rachel hotline, 312.337.1962; or 1.888.456.HOPE. A compassionate counselor takes the call, guiding the woman or man suffering from abortion through the initial steps on the road to healing.
The church, through its sacramental life, offers those who have been traumatized by abortion a powerful way to encounter the healing and reconciling love of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and especially the Eucharist. By meeting with a priest or counselor, those seeking healing will prepare for Reconciliation. Forgiveness in the Catholic tradition is not forgetting what happened, or simply relief from guilt or punishment. Forgiveness means being restored by the God who knows and cares, and being transformed in the heart and created anew.
Although the journey of forgiveness can be painful and frightening, each step that you make toward home is ever more freeing and life-giving. Forgiveness for the parents of an aborted child will take place with God, with others who were part of the decision, with the child and finally with oneself.
Let the Healing Begin…
To find out how you can give of your time to this powerful, vital ministry, please contact Margie Manczko Breen at the Respect Life Office, 312.534.5355.
“Rachel mourns her children; she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. Thus says the Lord; Cease your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes. The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward. There is hope for your future.” ~Jeremiah 31:15-17
Our Mission
In conjunction with the Archdioceses of Chicago’s Respect Life office, our mission is to transform society into a Culture of Life where every human being is valued and protected from the moment of conception until natural death. We seek to convert hearts and minds on all life issues.
Abortion: “The right to life does not depend, and must be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign”
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Post-abortion aftermath: “I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion … do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope … The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation”
– John Paul II
Charity: “Charity presupposes respect for the rights of the person, in particular the right to receive information and an education that respect the moral and spiritual dimensions of human life.”
– Catechism of the Catholic Church
Capital Punishment: “The new evangelization calls for followers of Christ who are unconditionally pro-life … A sign of hope is the increasing recognition that the dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who had done great evil.”
– John Paul II
Artificial contraception: “Marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordained toward the begetting and educating of children. Children are reallt the supreme gift of marriage and contribute very substantially to the welfare of their parents”
– Second Vatican Council
Euthanasia: “…suffering, especially suffering in the last moments of life, has a special place in God’s saving plan; it is in fact a sharing in Christ’s passion and a union with the redeeming sacrifice which He offered in obedience to the Father’s will.”
– Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Embryonic stem cell research and Human cloning: “No objective, even though noble in itself, such as a foreseeable advantage to science, to other human beings, or to society, can in any way justify experimentation on living human embryos or fetuses, whether viable or not, either inside or outside the mother’s body.”
– Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Vaccines developed from the tissue of aborted babies: “By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God, which urges him to do what is right and avoid what is evil”
– Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic Teaching
- The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality
- Donum Vitae: The Gift of Life
- Humanae Vitae: On Human Life
- A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions
- Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life
- Dignitas Personae (The Dignity of a Person)
- “A Special Word to Women Who Have Had An Abortion”
Printable Resources
- Pro-Life Activities
- Office of Respect Life – Archdiocese of Chicago
- 40 Days for Life
- March for Life
- Life Matters: Religious Liberty and the American Soul
- Life Matters: Conscience Protection in Healthcare
- Life Matters: Doctor-Assisted Death
- Life Matters: Marriage, the Sanctuary of Life
- Life Matters: Contraceptives and Women’s Well-Being
- Life Matters: Call to Greatness
- Life Matters: Pornography and Our Call to Love
- Life Matters: Responding to Unplanned Pregnancy
RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation
The word Initiation means to: begin, start, inaugurate, install, induct, officially becoming a member and to invest oneself.
Why the Catholic Church? Why now?
Initiation in the Catholic Church is through the formal reception of the Sacraments of: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Ideally, the process is a journey that is formally started in September and is completed with reception of these Sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
Each member is encouraged to attend Sunday Mass on a weekly basis.
Fr. Mariusz Nawalaniec at: (708) 423-0321
Thinking About Becoming Catholic? Do You Need to Complete Your Sacraments of Initiation?
RCIA prepares adults 18 years of age and older to embrace the fullness of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith by becoming Catholic or completing your Sacraments of initiation; Baptism, Eucharist, or Confirmation.
St. Albert’s C.C.D. is taking Registrations
During the months of June, July and August we will be in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 am- 4pm . Other times by appointment only, please call 708-636-0406 and leave a message. We offer Kindergarten through 8th grade Religious Education. If you need information on Sacrament preparation please contact the C.C.D. Office.

Intentions for 2020- please click link below
Our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open from
8:30 AM – 8:30 PM Monday through Friday
Saturday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Devotion to the Eucharist, as sacrament and sacrifice, is a distinguishing mark of our faith community at St. Albert the Great Parish. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Adoration Chapel is itself an expression of faith in the Eucharistic Presence.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Adoration Chapel is located at the east entrance of the administrative building located at: 8000 South Linder Avenue, Burbank Illinois. All are welcome to visit at any time of the day. Those wishing to become adorers are encouraged to sign up for one hour sessions.
Eucharistic Adoration is the spiritual practice of adoring or honoring the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In a deeper sense, it involves the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us.
During Eucharistic Adoration, we watch and wait; we remain silent in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. By our worshiping the Eucharist, we ask God to transform us so that we may become all that God wants us to be. The Lord draws us to Himself and transforms us. Eucharistic Adoration is God and man reaching out for each other at the same time.
In a society where quiet is a precious commodity, this beautiful little Adoration Chapel provides an oasis where silence and peace prevail. The Adoration Chapel is open to anyone seeking solitude and space for undisturbed prayer.

Welcome to SPRED at St. Albert the Great Parish

SPRED (Special Religious Development) is a program, created in the Archdiocese
of Chicago, which trains and guides parishes to provide faith formation to
persons with developmental disabilities and/or learning problems and become
integrated into parish life. This is accomplished through small communities of
faith at the parish level.
This website was created to provide information to those interested in offering
spiritual enrichment to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The SPRED program at St. Albert the Great offers the opportunity to grow in faith to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in three small faith communities.
The SPRED Resource Satellite housed at St. Albert the Great Angels is a satellite of the Archdiocesan SPRED Center (see below) and supports the quality and development of SPRED programs in Vicariate V in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Please feel free to explore by clicking here SPRED Resource Satellite or use the navigation menu above.
What is SPRED?
SPRED or Special Religious Development is a program for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities begun in the Archdiocese of Chicago in the early 1960’s. SPRED founder and director, Fr. James McCarthy was driven to find a way to enrich the life of those living with developmental disabilities by stirring an awareness of GOD in the midst of ordinary moments of their everyday life and bringing forth an awareness of themselves as persons of dignity who are loved by GOD. Sr. Mary Therese Harrington and Sr. Susanne Gallagher joined Fr. McCarthy in researching methods of catechesis and education and discovered the Method Vivre, a research project defining how persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities could grow in faith. SPRED is the practical application of the Method Vivre. Since its inception, SPRED has continued to evolve and grow through the direction and oversight of the founding SPRED staff.
Today in the Archdiocese of Chicago and beyond, the SPRED Agency sets up a contractual arrangement with a parish or another diocese. The SPRED Agency provides training, supervision and materials in the form of a syllabus of sessions. The parish sets up a program for a given age group in accordance with SPRED standards. Each SPRED center has a team made up of volunteers: a chairperson, leader catechist, activity catechist and helper catechists (sponsors). Each helper catechist becomes a partner in faith for a child or adult with developmental disabilities. SPRED small communities of faith are comprised of up to 14 persons: 8 catechists and 6 friends. This ensures a personal experience for all. A welcoming space, the bonds of friendship, the proclamation of the WORD and inclusion in the sacramental life of the parish are essential for growth in faith.
SPRED forms small communities of faith in parishes to welcome persons with developmental disabilities in order to foster participation in parish assemblies of worship.
SPRED began in 1960 when Fr. James McCarthy from the Archdiocese of Chicago began to work with parents, special educators and catechist volunteers. In 1967 SPRED was established as an agency of the Archdiocese. It is now part of the Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Worship.
SPRED serves the residents of group homes and state facilities within the Archdiocese of Chicago through collaboration with twenty-one agencies that each has multiple housing sites.
Parish based SPRED centers serve children, adolescents and adults who have developmental disabilities in the Archdiocese. SPRED catechists complete thirty hours of training. Presently there are 850 active catechists working in 136 SPRED Centers in the Archdiocese of Chicago. One catechist sponsor is available for each person with special needs plus a leadership team. 670 persons with developmental disabilities are served.
SPRED also resources 22 dioceses in eight countries.
SPRED – Special Religious Development
2956 S. Lowe
Chicago, IL. 60616
Phone: 312-842-1039
Fax: 312-842-4449
Fr. James McCarthy, Director
Our SPRED program is always open to volunteers. If you are interested in becoming part of this ministry, please contact Ray Chodorowski & Jan Szewczyk for more information.
To learn more about SPRED, visit the Archdiocese of Chicago website at

Every Tuesday in the Roger’s Hall (basement of the Church)
- Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
- Bingo begins at 6:45 p.m.
- No person under the age of 18 is permitted.
- All players must purchase at least one door card ($1.00). A door card may save a single seat until 6:30 p.m.
- Split the pot $1.00 per strip of 3 cards; Dabber only +12 sheets for $9.00, regular cards $0.75 each and a book of 15=$10.00
- 16 games, 4 specials, 1 split the pot, 1 cover all and 10 regular games.
- Pull tabs, Double Action lighting and special games are always available.
- Full Kitchen.
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility, and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is dedicated to providing emergency assistance to needy families or individuals in our community. Conference members will contact these families or individuals to arrange an appointment to determine how they can be of assistance. Vincentians do not judge those they serve, but listen and understand with their hearts. Their vocation is to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love.
- Our members meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
- Meetings are held in a spirit of fraternity, simplicity and Christian joy.
- For more information or assistance call 708-423-0321.
The work of our society is mainly funded through the generosity of our parishioners by way of the Poor Boxes in the church, a special collection at Thanksgiving, and Lenten Mite Boxes. If you would like to make a donation to the society, send your donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Albert the Great, 8000 S. Linder Ave, Burbank, IL 60459.
Being an Usher is a vital part of our parish community. Ushers assist at the Saturday evening Vigil Mass, Sunday Masses, and at Masses on Holy Days of Obligation.
Please consider joining this important Ministry as we are always in need of Ushers.
If you are interested in becoming an Usher at the Mass you regularly attend, please call Father Mariusz J. Nawalaniec, pastor at (708) 423-0321.
MASS 5:00 PM
- Beddie Audrey
- Buchalski Judie
- Manalang Edwin
- Piwowar Michael
- Vernola Joseph
MASS 7:00 AM
- Bugara Jan
- Jurkowski Józef
- Komperda Andrzej
- Kwak Andrzej
- Tylka Roman
MASS 8:30 AM
- Bubel Roy
- Boruch Mati
- Coleman Chris
- Janik Darrell
- Lopez Dolores
- Miskowiec Vicki
- Miskowiec Jacob
- Prado Peter
- Spratt Tom
- Tinish Ronald
MASS 10:00 AM
- Bober Jan
- Ciszek Stanisław
- Cisło Józef
- Dziomba Stanisław
- Lichosyt Franciszek
- Marciniec Tadeusz
- Molek Andrzej
- Opyd Józef
- Rachwał Jan
- Sadelski Jacek
- Szaflarski Stanisław
- Wesołowski Krzysztof
- Wielgus Krzysztof
MASS 12:00 PM
- Villalobos Jesus
- Villalobos David
MASS 1:30 PM
- Bryniarski Jan
- Kaczmarczyk Stanisław
- Kochanek Antoni
- Kozioł Jan
- Miskowiec Jacenty
- Miskowiec Piotr
- Piętka Janusz
- Robak Stanisław
- Szwab Marian
- Tylka Władysław
- Zagata Józef
- Zapotoczny Rafał
MASS 3:00 PM
- Amaya Manuel
- Corona Hermilo
- Cortez Ismael
- Gamboa Rafael
- Landeros Abel
- Lopez Francisco
- Morales Cesar
- Nieto Anthony
- Torres Alfonso
MASS 5:00 PM
- Cieśla Wiesław
- Chrobak Czesław
- Chrobak Władysław
- Grochola Józef
- Smalec Jan
- Zubek Stanisław
Żywy Różaniec – wspólnota ludzi, którzy modlą się każdego dnia na Różańcu. Wspólnota jest podzielona na mniejsze grupy po 20 osób. Każdy członek wspólnoty odmawia codziennie przynajmniej jedną tajemnicę różańca. W ten sposób, w ciągu dnia odmawia różaniec. Modlitwa Żywego Różańca wspiera potrzeby całego Kościoła.
Wspólnota Żywego Różańca
- Wspólnota Żywego Różańca założona przez Paulinę Jaricot (1799–1862) w Lyonie w roku 1826. Mając 20 lat Paulina angażuje się w działalność misyjną. Była ona bliskim współpracownikiem św. Jana Marii Vianeya proboszcza z Ars. Wspólnota Żywego Różańca została oficjalnie zatwierdzona i stale wspierana przez papieża Grzegorza XVI i uzyskała status kanoniczny dnia 27 stycznia 1832.
- Wspólnota Żywego Różańca – nie jest czymś nowym w wierze, jest kontynuacją modlitwy Różańcowej, którą promował św. Dominik, i która została mu dana w objawieniu Matki Bożej.
- Celem Żywego Różańca – uśmierzyć gniew Boga na grzeszny świat przez wstawiennictwo Matki Bożej, modlić się o Boże błogosławieństwo dla Kościoła i o ewangelizację oraz szerzenie wiary, aby przywrócić i pogłębić wiarę w sercach ludzi, sprzyjać nawróceniu grzeszników i wzmocnieniu Świętej Matki Kościoła.
- O każdej porze dnia i nocy, w każdym miejscu. Członkowie Żywego Różańca mogą organizować spotkania modlitewne na wspólnej modlitwie, czytaniu Pisma Świętego, w celu omówienia kwestii wiary i zasady życia chrześcijańskiego i innych sprawach duchowych.
Podstawowe wymagania
- Posłuszeństwo wobec Jego Świątobliwości Papieża, biskupów diecezji oraz kapłanów parafii, gdzie Stowarzyszenie Żywego Różańca istnieje. Stały udział w życiu Kościoła, poprzez udział we Mszy Świętej, przyjmowaniu sakramentów, aktywne życie chrześcijańskie dla dobra Kościoła katolickiego. Przez modlitwę, ofiarę każdego członka Żywego Różańca, który jest współodpowiedzialny za losy Kościoła katolickiego, zbawienia ludzi i szerzenie wiary!
Obowiązki członków Żywego Różańca
- Każdy członek powinien odmówić modlitwę wg reguły wspólnoty.
- Każdy członek Żywego Różańca powinien być aktywny w życiu wspólnoty parafialnej przez – przyjmowanie sakramentów, częste uczestnictwo w nabożeństwach parafialnych, zachęcając ludzi do bardziej aktywnego działania na rzecz parafii i Kościoła.
Członkowie Żywego Różańca są zachęcani do modlitwy Kościoła: Nieszpory i Jutrznia.
- W miesiącach maju i październiku, które są poświęcone w szczególny sposób NMP i modlitwie różańcowej, członkowie powinni szczególnie oddawać cześć Maryi, odmawiając codziennie, wszystkie 20 tajemnic różańca.
- Członkom Żywego Różańca jest zalecana pomoc chorym i cierpiącym w otrzymaniu sakramentu chorego, aby również wspierać ich swoją obecnością i modlitwą.
- Członkowie Żywego Różańca, mają obowiązek modlitwy za zmarłych członków. Powinni poświęcać modlitwy i cierpienia za zmarłych członków i w osobistych potrzebach.
- Członkowie wspólnoty mają stale pamiętać słowa papieża Grzegorza XVI, który powiedział: “Musimy aktywnie działać po to, aby zapalić serca wszystkich ludzi do gorliwości, szacunku, miłości i oddania się Maryi Panny. Musimy pracować więcej, aby rozprzestrzeniać Żywy Różaniec nieustannie, aby ilość osób i łask, które otrzymujemy stale wzrastała. Trzeba nam się śpieszyć, aby się udoskonalać i wzrastać w cnotach. Oddajemy się w ręce Najświętszej Maryi Pannie, która obiecała wszystkich, którzy Ją wychwalają doprowadzić do nieba”.
Główne zalecenia dla osób, które pragną założyć Żywy różaniec
Człowiek, który stał się członkiem Żywego Różańca powinien odmawiać różaniec codziennie jedną tajemnicę, którą dostaje od zelatora Żywego Różańca.
Lokalny zelator Żywego Różańca ma zachęcać innych ludzi, by włączali się do koła Żywego Różańca.
- Troszczyć się oto, aby w każdej sąsiedniej miejscowości był przedstawiciel Żywego Różańca, aby koordynował i tworzył nowe grupy, wysyłać zdjęcia i sprawozdania o działaniu Wspólnoty Żywego Różańca, informować o łaskach i cudach, które ludzie otrzymali poprzez uczestnictwo w Żywym Różańcu.
Łaski, które otrzymujemy w wspólnocie Żywego Różańca
- Jedność w modlitwie z trzema milionami członków Żywego Różańca na świecie.
- Każdy dzień jest odprawiana Msza Św. w intencji członków Żywego Różańca na całym świecie.
- Członkowie nieustannie modląc się za zmarłych członków Żywego Różańca. Za zmarłych członków Żywego Różańca codziennie jest sprawowana Msza Św.
- Stała pomoc w grupach tworzących Żywy Różaniec.